109: Email Workflows


Great episode! I’ve already listened to it 3 times and have spent this morning creating a Stream Deck email profile for outlook.

One question, however. For those who are on corporate email like Exchange, what tools or techniques are you using to triage and follow up on email?

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I’ve just listened to this one too - and, as a Drafts user, am interested by @MacSparky idea of doing all of your emails in Drafts and then sending them over to your Email app to send without actually getting involved with your inbox at all.

Just a question on that - how does that work for replying to emails? I guess that’s fine if you’re looking to kick off a new email chain, but if you’re replying to an existing message, how is that possible within Drafts?

Thanks for the help!

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I know this is an older post, but here is my solution. I use Outlook and OneNote together. There is a synergistic effect with both that is outstanding. I process email with inbox zero effectively. Simple to dos are managed in Outlook tasks. Any larger project, tracking of multiple folders items are all handled in OneNote. Anytime I open Outlook (at start up at work, lunch, and end of the day) OneNote is also open with it.

For my tracking of email follow-up, I have a folder that is labeled “Waiting For”. For me that can be a person, place or date. And then I put a simple Flag reminder in Outlook when I want to see it again, not when it is due. FYI, The Reminder will also appear in OneNote

Doing my Weekly review is when those tasks are tracked and acted upon. And by Weekly review, it is at least a brief review MWF. The hot tasker items must be coordinated and my boss needs to be informed when conflicting priorities arise.

Hope that helps

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