527: Dictation and Text Capture

Thanks, that looks like a very cool App! Similar to TextGrabber by Abby, which is also a $10/yr subscription, but I think I like the way this one works a bit better.

Does anyone have any other contenders?

Prizmo sure seems pretty nice!

I had to smile during the MPU episode when David mentioned Walter Cronkite. I once remember a bio about Mr. Cronkite where I read that he trained himself to speak at a steady 120 WPM as that was the pace where studies showed that it was the most believable pace. I actually had a customer facing person I had hired who was excellent except he talked way to fast in front of customers. I pointed him to some videos on YouTube of Mr. Cronkite and had him watch them and practice. I can see where it would be useful for dictation as well.

FYI although Cronkite was claimed to have trained himself to speak as 124 words per minute (I’ve seen that repeated many times on many sites including Wikipedia) as far as I can tell it seems to point back to an unsupported assertion by a Communications professor at Wichita State in 2007, subsequently repeated by many others, and then appeared as fact in Cronkite obituaries in 2009.


20 characters blah blah blah

When I travel (or did travel, in the past), I referred to Americans,like myself, as “language murderers.” But then I realized everybody does it!

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Can you share the shortcuts for turning voice control on and off.