@MacSparky and @ismh86 were talking about the lack of logic behind the order of panes in System Preferences. Stephen said he just uses search.
Search is good, but there’s are two other suggestions I’d make, indicated by the two arrows in this screenshot:
1. Step One (white arrow): “Organize Alphabetically”.
This will organize all of the panes alphabetically, which makes much more sense than the “Categories” that Apple uses by default.
2. Step Two (red arrow): “Customize…”
This will put System Preferences into a mode where you uncheck panes that you do not use. See below:
You can see that I have turned off Mouse, Screen Time, Sidebar, and Siri.
3 Step Three (optional): Play Favorites!
Note that even if you uncheck panes, you can access them via the “View” menu so, I could uncheck all of them except my “favorites” (most often used) and have it look like this:
But if I do need one of the others, I can still use the View menu to see them all:
(99% of the time I access System Preference panes via Alfred, which means that I definitely don’t need to see them all in the main window.)
I definitely prefer having two nice, alphabetically rows of Frequently Used preference panes instead of 4+ rows of seemingly randomly-ordered preference panes.