717: The Apple Notes Deep Dive

Does anyone know the specific name of the font used currently in Apple Notes? I’ve tried searching — and thought someone in this group may have the answer. If is not SF Pro. It is a font with a “one story letter “a””. Thank you!

This is a screenshot from an Apple Note showing samples of the System and SF Pro fonts. They both look similar to me. Is the lowercase “a” what is considered a single story “a”?

CleanShot 2023-11-13 at 08.08.41@2x

According to a post on Quora it’s a “special version” of San Francisco that is not available outside the app.

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I found you can’t send emails to Notes, but with Agenda you can.

Yes, the lowercase “a’ is “single story.” However, when I use the SF Pro font outside of Apple Notes, it is different — the “a” is “double story” (and there may be other changes too).

I see what you mean. I tried it in Apple Pages and the SF Pro font “a” is, indeed, double story. Strange. :crazy_face:

That lack of portability/interoperability is the main reason I don’t use Apple Notes much except for notes and lists shared with family members. It’s not just about other operating systems; if I decide to switch to another app, I don’t want moving my data in an organized form to be a hassle.

I’m also not a fan of the look and feel of using Apple Notes, though that’s entirely subjective, and I know that for a lot of people the look and feel are part of why they love it. The choice of a notes/PKM app is about as personal as it gets in the realm of computing; fortunately there’s a vast range of options and approaches in the space, so unless your employer prohibits anything but OneNote, you’re not stuck using someone else’s favorite.


This seems to now be fixed in Sonoma 14.2 (Dec 2023)!

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