739: Checking in on Freeform

Here is a screengrab of my book shopping list. I’ve made different areas of the board for different themes and just drop the URLs in. Freeform automatically makes previews of the webpage, which makes it really useful for managing shopping lists as you can browse it visually. (There is also a title in there that’s a screengrab, because sometimes when I’m on the go I just screengrab something and then just drop that in later).

I have a couple of lists for different things in Freeform now. It’s replaced my use of Notes and Reminders for this.

Here is a screengrab of my weekly planner board. I’ve blacked out all the sensitive stuff, and basically: I screengrab my calendar for the current week and the next week, and I have post-its with tasks on them. I move the tasks around my meetings. I also have holding areas for pending tasks, memos, tasks I’ve completed (I didn’t want to just delete a post-it, it’s useful to hold them for a week or two to remember what’s been done). I also have an area where I save things I’ve read that I need to action (e.g. there’s a reminder to update Popclips in there). I’ve also got a daily time log and a week time log view saved in here but I’m not using them and will probably delete them at some point.

Freeform can drop an image into an existing image, so each week I take the screengrab of my calendar and drop it into the existing image on my board. This means it goes straight to the back, and is the same size as the existing image file. This means nothing on the board changes except the calendar.

I leave this open on my widescreen monitor so I can see my week and my tasks at a glance (I leave it open so just the current week is visible).

Finally, here is a screengrab of my Baldur’s Gate playthrough for one character. I’m doing a thorough playthrough so I have maps, quest lists, links to guides, etc. The blacked out area is character notes, which I felt weird sharing, but is just a note of decisions I made for various quests (for non Baldur’s Gate / dnd people - there are many different options in the game and decisions you make affect the game hence why I’ve noted a few key character bits).

You can see that I’m marking up the maps and quest lists as I complete them.

In conclusion: Freeform is great!