Thanks for the post. For what it may be worth, I find your videos to among the more useful around. I also appreciate both your expertise and down to earth style. I hope you did not take any of my comments as disrespectful or dismissive in anyway. I tried to make it clear that I have and do learn a lot from some of the videos—yours included. It is just that too many such productivity oriented videos and podcasts are produced by those who don’t have to deal with the complexities of large organizations. I’m blessed because as the equivalent of the CEO, I have a lot of control of my schedule and the staff who report to me. Many people don’t have that luxury.
I’m using Obsidian primarily for my research files. I’d love to be able to use Obsidian as my professional project note and meeting note application. The problem I run into is the friction in viewing PDFs and other documents that I need imbedded in my meeting notes for quick reference. An example are spreadsheets of five year financial projections when I’m in a meeting with the finance committee and our CFO. Opening a spreadsheet or PDF within Obsidian while in a meeting is less “elegant” and with more friction than an app like Apple Notes or Craft. The other issue I have not been able to resolve is how to send the follow-up tasks in an Obsidian meeting note to a task manager. There was a Things plugin but the last time I checked it was abandoned (a concern I have with depending on plugins). I know there is a Todoist plugin but I don’t want to use Todoist. With Craft I can seamlessly send the follow-ups as grouped, discrete tasks to OF with the URL embedded. I can do essentially the same things from Apple Notes to Reminders. I suspect these friction points are the limitations of plain text files. I’d love to know if there is to a solution to my two friction points—if there was I’d probably jump to Obsidian in a heart beat!
Anyway, keep up the good work. Your videos (and I’m sure your courses) are among the worthwhile.