A note-taking/journal/corkboard app

Hope I did not dream this but am sure that there was a discussion of a newish note-taking/organising possibly journalling corkboard app in which it is possible to place and link various items together.

Been thourhg my browser history and searched here (and few other forums) to try to find it but nothing comes up. I thought it was called Proto nothing relevant of that name comes up in DuckDickGo either.

Please assure me I was not dreaming and if I wasn’t then point me to the discussion of the developers web site.

Kinopio? Curio?


There are a few avid Curio fans on this discussion forum. I don’t use it a ton, but I own it and it really is a great app for the person with the relevant needs. If you do a search at this forum you’ll find there was a dedicated thread about Curio about 15 months ago. (My memory may be a bit off in terms of when it happened.)

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Phew. I knew there was something. It was Curio I was thinking of. Thank you, you have put my mind at ease.

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And here’s that previous thread from Jan 2022:

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There’s also Heptabase and Scrintal in the same realm.

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I’m using hepta and I have to say I like it. The iOS app however its not really useful and just functions like an inbox.

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Other users have already shared some good apps which I’d also recommend.

  1. Heptabase
  2. Scrintal
  3. Zengobi Curio
  4. Kinopio
  5. Obsidian Canva
  6. Miro (although you can’t link with wiki links)

I like them because they allow me to have an infinite canvas to just add more knowledge and link everything together.

For a quick brainstorm I mainly use miro or create a quick mindmap with Heptabase.

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