A Serendipitous Insight--Obsidian and MindNode

Have you explored Canvas in Obsidian? Then you could keep much of it internally. There is also a plugin to make Canvas behave more like a traditional mindmap.

Yes, but I’ve simplified it. I now export my map as markdown and then open in my markdown editor of choice (Ulysses, iA Writer, or Obsidian). I no longer attempt to link the map to Obsidian or other text editor because I found it to fiddly. I’d rather spend my time writing. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah I tested that but MindNode is simple and intuitive. The canvas in Obsidian has more features than I need that keep getting in the way.

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I like it.
Simplifying the writing process is so important.
I think I’ll take your approach where I just export from MindNode and open in Obsidian (for now).

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