Air Travel / Flight Manager

I used to use FlightLogger. But lately it’s developed an issue where it just spins and crashes.

Does anyone have an air travel manager recommendation? A modern app with notifications and calendar integration?

I’ve been using App in the Air. It works well enough for me.

Flighty is nice, too.

Flighty is blowing my mind - great recommendation!

+1 for Flighty. SO GOOD.

Been using App in the Air and TripIt. Going to give the Flighty Pro trial a spin during an upcoming trip.

I use TripIt Pro and that’s been working extremely well for me - and it helps me keep track of all the other data I need too. When I’m having a travel heavy month then I’ll subscribe to Flighty and get it to import everything from TripIt for me.


I used to swear by WorldMate, but since it was discontinued I switched over to AwardWallet. It does the job I need it to do, I fly a minimum of twice a week and I need a simple interface that gives good alerts. The loyalty program tracking is an excellent plus.

Spent more time on flight trackers than I need to but my research may be of help to you:

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Your review has me taking another look at Flighty. One of the things that I didn’t like about it when I first tried it a few years ago was that it didn’t have a clear indicaiton of how long my layovers would be. Either that’s been fixed or I didn’t see it, but it’s there now. I’ll try it for my next trip :slight_smile: