...and I never looked back

I might have missed something, but if the Discourse search result is correct, there are 8 topics with “I never looked back” inside of them. In 4 years.


Google knows about even less mentions:


4 times (apart from this topic).

So, not many mentions of this phrase in the MPU community?

I am one of the 8 offenders, though. :wink: I never looked back after I quit Setapp. What I meant back then: I had no regrets quitting Setapp and to return to support the app developers directly without an intermediate (given how many apps I actually used).

Being a non-native speaker I am quite sure that I … might fail finding the correct words to really express myself in English without realizing it. I am sorry for that. Actually, that is the reason why I keep “looking back” quite often, after I wrote a post: I keep finding mistakes (long live the edit functionality in Discourse)! :blush:

I am very impressed by the positive tone and the patience with others in the MPU community. What I am trying to say: I do not think that many of the persons who “never looked back” intended this phrase to be understood as described:

eg - “when they went to subscription pricing and implemented changes a, b, and c – I switched to d…and I never looked back ”. I think it’s people’s way of saying “I’m not just saying this is what I’ll do…I never looked back, you understand? I did it, and I’m not changing”.

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