Any less-expensive ways to get a legit Win10 key for virtualization?

A demonstration doesn’t always have to be a presentation, just saying.

I am very sorry about that. I know their support is great, and hopefully they resolved it by now. My two purchases were just great. So don’t let that instance push you back. By the way, which license type you purchased. I purchased the Pro standard version not the OEM one. OEM usually have more problems and this is why they are cheaper.

It was an OEM one. Took a bit, but somebody got back to me and activation is sorted out now - we’ll see if it lasts. :slight_smile:

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Aren’t OEM ones tied to hardware purchases?

(i.e., you have a cheap license, but it’s still not legit? - Might work, but is against T&C?)

Theoretically, yes. It’s intended to be sold with a new system, and per the license it’s a “one and done”. I.e. if you buy an OEM license, install it, and then throw away the computer, the Windows 10 license gets thrown away with the hardware.

If you pay full price, you can get rid of the computer and move the license to another one.

Practically speaking, as @anon20961960 says, Microsoft doesn’t enforce most of that.

Last copy of Windows I bought (back in the Windows 7 days, IIRC) was an OEM license. The “hardware” that Newegg sold it with was an HDMI cable. :roll_eyes:


On eBay there are some sellers selling them with non-working hard drives. The license is delivered digitally, and the hard drive is “local pickup only” - with the proviso that if you don’t pick up your drive within 7 days they’ll dispose of it for you.

Apparently eBay enforces the hardware rule, even if Microsoft really doesn’t care. :slight_smile:

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If you switch to VMWare, you won’t even have that :slight_smile:

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You mean VMWare Fusion? Don’t they also need purchasing for upgrading licenses from time to time?

Not anymore.

VMWare Fusion is now free for personal use:

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Per MS, the OEM license goes with hardware. And originally they had some sort of thing that would determine how much hardware had changed in what period of time, and require re-activation if it was too crazy. Don’t know if that even exists anymore or not. :slight_smile:

Great! I’ll check them out!! Does it work ok on M1?

Edit: they’re on Technical Preview for M1

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Licensing terms are always weird.

Purchasing: - How much for this perfect solution to a problem that is causing us millions every year and that you basically developed for us alone?
Vendor: - Oh… well, do you have any change?
P: - Actually, I’m almost all in on Apple Pay, though I do have this used chapstick…
V: - Yeah, fine. Now, what will you give me for this generic piece of tech that is really just a wrapper around two open source components?
P: - Steve, get in the car with the nice man. He’s your new family.
Steve: - But I’m the CTO!
V: - Pray I do not alter the terms further…