I have a journal from archerandolive which has high quality paper. The book appears to be quite durable as well. I use it for “bullet journaling” (which actually runs the gamut) but it can be used for for the same purposes of what you would use a moleskine for. You could add tabs to organize and have an index. You might want to consider jotting down short summaries of what you are covering as well.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Do you use your book for any future meeting notes? I often have a list of items I want to raise at a meeting or some brief preparatory remarks which I add to over time.
I’m trying to think how they would be handled… except perhaps by having multiple page numbers next to a date?
If I am doing planning for a meeting I may well use the book - if I know there will be lots of things added over many days I would allocate a page, if it is just a simple list (most of my prep tends to be just one session) then I would just add it into the current days notes - with perhaps a bit of space around it in case I think of any extras.
The 1 line index for that day of the month would then have, “xxx prep”, in it (along with anything else significant for the day). So today’s 1 line has. “WMS printer, intercom, insurance renewal, yyy valuation” - there are about 2 and a half (but I always start a new day on a new page) pages of notes for today’s meetings, phone calls - and finally nailing the printer problem for the warehouse management system that insisted that one report (and only one) had to have paper from the multi-purpose tray rather than the bulk tray.
As an aside, the solution to that printer / report issue (open the file in bartender, change the printer, save the report again) gave lots of other info on how the warehouse management system handles printing, (3 different methods) my day book has notes and reminders of today’s discussions with the owner of the software provider but tomorrow I will write a ‘how to’ briefing note on the subject. - the software is very clever - different combinations of users, computers and customers can have different report layouts coming out of different printers. Unfortunately the code was written >10 years ago and the newbies on the suppliers 1st and 2nd line support don’t fully understand the implications. So I will write up the how-to and put it in our management system. I’ll probably never return to the notes in my book again after tomorrow - but tomorrow morning I will know where to find them
Wish I’d thought of that back when I bujo’ed. Makes a lot of sense!