Blocking websites

Is it possible to block individual websites on Safari?

I can see in Screen Time that you can block types of websites and then enable the ones you want, but this is way too restrictive and blocks normal websites (e.g. Sydney Morning Herald and The Iconic) which is a real pain.

So, can I block a website without creating a blanket rule?

You can use Safari content blockers for this. I like 1Blocker. It has rules for types of content, and you can write your own blacklists.

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Another vote for 1Blocker, it is easy to setup and does what you need.

Thanks guys! I’m trying AdGuard as it’s free, but might plump for 1Blocker if this has gaps

Hi Chris,

There’s an easy way to block sites through the terminal without any need for other software.

It’s great if there are specific sites you want to block completely and unconditionally.

Here’s a site with step by step instructions.

It works perfectly for me, except, rather strangely, seems to be immune to this! Cannot figure out why that is.
