Bookmarking/Read It Later services vs Safari Bookmarks?

I use read-it-later bookmarks (i.e., Safari Reading List) for articles that I have decided I want to read.

For example, I use Feedbin as my RSS reader and I like using the website because it gives me Vim-like controls. I can quickly go through my entire list of new items with j and press v to open articles worth opening in the background.

(By articles worth opening, I mean like, I don’t see a point in opening the link to the latest comic because I’ve already seen the comic at this point. Sometimes though the comic might be interesting enough that I want to revisit it, so I hit v in that case. Other articles I generally don’t open are e.g., most Daring Fireball posts. I have nothing against John Gruber and enjoy his writing enough to follow him, but a lot of his posts where he gives a short comment on a quote are skippable for me. Other websites advertise their newest podcast episode, which are also articles that are not worth opening for me because those episodes are already gonna show up in Overcast so I don’t need to read a blog post about it.)

Anyway, when I’ve exhausted the unread list I just “Add These n Tabs to Reading List” and viola, all the articles that I decided I wanted to read are now in a list for me to read them. From there I pick and choose which articles I want to read or take a look at based on what I feel like doing and/or how much time I have.

My Reading List goes down to 0 items very regularly (it’s 0 right now) because all the items I add there are in fact articles that I want to read, it’s just a matter of when. Not uncommon is I’ll go through my list and find an article that isn’t relevant anymore and I just delete them.


Godt at se dig herinde også :denmark::raised_hands:t2:

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Okay, I’ve been using for about two weeks.

New question - Whatever RIL service you are using, how do you remember to read the articles that you have saved for reading later???

Um, I just do? :slight_smile:

It’s habitual for me to check in with Instapaper. Particularly when having lunch or a snack at my desk.

To tell the truth, I have the opposite problem: I bookmark too much stuff and then feel a compulsion to at least try to read each article.

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I use Pinboard. I chose Pinboard over other (similar) options because I like it’s speed + simplicity + web-first design.

I first started using it for bookmarks, which I prefer to browser bookmarks because:

  1. I like tags better than folders
  2. I use multiple browsers
  3. I like the search
  4. I like being able to access my bookmarks from anywhere (with an internet connection) without needing to do any sort of syncing process

A year or so ago, I also started using it for RIL functionality. However, like @MitchWagner, I recognized that I frequently never read the things in my RIL queue. So what I did was download a nice Pinboard app for iOS, Pushpin, and stick that on my homescreen. Then I deleted all social networking apps from my phone. Now, when I’m in those spaces of short downtime (on the toilet, etc) where I would previously habitually open instagram or reddit or whatever, I now just open Pushpin and read something from my RIL queue.

Works pretty well for me.

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