Carrot Weather 5.0 is out

Completely customizable weather screen. I already loved this app.


Loving it too :slight_smile: with 20 chars

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I know some people don’t like the snark as it’s called. But I find it hilarious and It has the best set of features of any Weather app when you add the ultra subscription. Living in Louisiana where we had I think 3 Hurricanes hit us last year. This app is essential to me.

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The new interface feels a lot like Hello Weather, just with a lot more information and higher price tag. I’ll just stick with Hello Weather for now, which is enough for anyone other than weather nerds I guess.

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The design and customization is much improved but alas, it still does not have the most accurate weather sources for my area: The Weather Channel and Weather Underground. In a weather app, design takes second place to accuracy so I’ll stick with my current app.

More snark, no thanks. Besides, doesn’t Carrot Weather collect your data and track you like Facebook does?

That’s the legacy pricing if you subbed before 5.0. Now Carrot is at least 20 quads per year while Hello is 12 (or 40ish lifetime). The options are nice if you’re really into weather or meteorology. But personally I find Hello has enough info, better text-based forecast, and better widgets (which are also included in the free tier).

The card says it collects quite a bit of info, “not linked to you”. But definitely not at the level of those mega evil corps.

I agree, meatbag. :joy:


My bad didn’t read carefully. Four things are quite a bit compared to “data not collected”.

No no. I’m not implying he’s selling data at all. I don’t think he is doing that. I’m just pointing out this aspect can be improved.

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Dev says you got whatever you paid for previously. They used to include the first few widgets and the radar ones were premium, but now all widgets require a subscription after already purchasing the app. Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t need it that badly.

The dev tweeted it was a bug and fix was coming soon.

Thanks! I’m still luke warm on the app(always have been) but I’m glad it’s just a bug and not a cash grab.

There is a workaround from the developer on Twitter.

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I love the idea and the execution of Carrot Weather but any weather app is only as good as its data. Living in New Zealand, that pretty much limits me to our local weather service app, which at least isn’t horribly inaccurate (just mildly so).

At one point I came up with the joke that if you don’t like the weather forecast, just use a different app, but then I realised they can’t even all agree on the same current conditions. It ceased to be a joke.

Apple Weather:       17Âş, 11Âş-17Âş, Cloudy
Snowflake:           16Âş, 12Âş-17Âş, Cloudy
Weather Underground: 17Âş, 10Âş-18Âş, Mostly Cloudy
NZ MetService:       15Âş, 11Âş-16Âş, Cloudy with showers

Despite my protestations above, I decided to check it out anyway (a weakness I need to work on). It is indeed impressive and, I found, the data from Dark Sky does seem to be pretty close to our local weather service.

After a bit of a play I subscribed for a year. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Does Carrot Weather or any other weather app include a CarPlay widget?

Carrot doesn’t and I doubt any other would.

There are only 6 types of app allowed to have the entitlement, see Requesting the CarPlay Entitlements | Apple Developer Documentation

103 here outside of Portland. The electric company is giving a rebate of $1/kWh 5-8PM for each saved over similar weather days in the past. Not sure exactly what they are comparing to. Might hit 115 tomorrow and Monday.

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