Collapsible outline on web page (like Circus Ponies Notebook)

With the software, Circus Ponies Notebook, which no longer exists, I could create outlines that were collapsible and publish them on the Web. The only software that I am aware of that can do the same thing is NoteTaker by Aquaminds, but it doesn’t seem to work as well as it used to years ago.

Does anyone know of software (Mac or iOS) that will create collapsible outlines that can be posted on the Web and still have the feature of collapsible when on the Web?

Does anyone know if OmniOutliner will create collapsible outlines in Web pages?

Sounds like Workflowy or Dynalist may meet your requirements.

I use Workflowy, but I was a Circus Ponies user before it shut down. Aquaminds has a new version in beta of Notetaker. That’s probably going to be the closest to CPN. OmniOutliner Pro will also do what you’re looking for. You can export a collapsible outline.

If you export as OPML, then you just need to apply an XSL file to transform the data.

Take a look at the exsmple bookmark OPML and accompanying XSL here:

If you can get structutred data into the browser, then it can be transformed and formatted to meet your needs almost 100% of the time. To an extent this actually gives you an approach that is applicable to a range of list generation tools should you move between them over time.

Hopefully the example above will get you on track if not all the way there.