Congrats on launching the podcast "Automators", Rose & David ๐ŸŽ‰

Thanks! Investigating :smiley:

Subscribed! :smile:

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This looks awesome! Already subscribed ^^

Congratulations @MacSparky and @RosemaryOrchard. Looking forward to to you help me make my life easier through automation. Good luck

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Subscribed! Going to listen tonight. If youโ€™re taking suggestions, Zapier would be nice to include in conversation at some point.

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Same here. Unable to subscribe via Google, and then tried with email address but never received the confirmation email (in either inbox or spam folder)

Thanks for checking.

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Congrats @MacSparky and @RosemaryOrchard!

This is such great news. Canโ€™t wait. Congrats!

Subscribed and added to my top priority playlist.

Congratulations @MacSparky and @RosemaryOrchard on your new podcast!

@RosemaryOrchard created a dedicated thread for the Google authentication issue:

Just for a datapoint, I am using a Gmail address for my Discourse accounts but I set them up as regular accounts with passwords rather than using the Google method. I log into the various Discourse forums/fora with username and password. Two-factor authentication has also been enabled. No problems so far.

Rose has fixed the Google authentication issue. Itโ€™s working fine now.


There was a shoutout in the Podnews newsletter this morning about the new Automators podcast!


@RosemaryOrchard How long do the email confirmations for the automators forum usually take? Iโ€™ve been waiting for 24h nowโ€ฆ

I got the email within minutes of creating the account. I did run the process in a browser on macOS.

Perhaps it got routed to your Spam folder?

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GMX seem to be blocking emails right now. Iโ€™m investigating but the problem isnโ€™t on our end Iโ€™m afraid!

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I got it resolved by choosing a different email address.

The issue with GMX has been resolved, and all GMX accounts have been activated in our system (no email verification necessary unless you sign up after this post!)

Siri Shortcuts is amongst the reason Iโ€™m going to switch to iOS, hopefuly this fall, realistic a bit later!

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