How about this person as an MPU guest?
Good call. I love the OmniFocus folder heading “Be a Good” instead of area of focus or something bland. I also like “Sunday Meeting” instead of weekly review. Both of these are more focussed and action-oriented.
Great suggestion, @lsieverts!
Beck was recently a workflow guest on my Learn OmniFocus site. You can watch a free recording of this session here:
It’s well worth watching, especially if you’re an OmniFocus user. She also features some other apps, including DEVONthink and Tinderbox.
Among other things, Beck skillfully demonstrates how creative use of language/naming and emojis can help make a productivity system highly personal and engaging.
I picked up on that just glancing at her site. Thanks for the tip toward your Learn OmniFocus video with her!
You’re very welcome, Evan. I was also really drawn to what Beck shared on her site, and am happy that she accepted my invitation to be a workflow guest!
As the unofficial self-appointed president of The Beck Tench fan club, I couldn’t agree more with Beck being a guest.
She was also on Jorge Arango’s podcast talking about Tinderbox and information management.
If I have a fan club, can we have decoder rings or laminated miniature certificates or fancy enameled lapel pins or something that come in the real mail?
I would love to see Beck as a guest on MPU and give her take on Tinderbox.
I’m joining the club!
In your Learn OmniFocus video, @beck also taught me some new tricks in MailMate, which I am currently evaluating. She is a very helpful person.
Tim, that interview is so wonderful! I’m not an OF user but I still got a lot out of it. And so many wonderful little details, not least of which were the omnipresent chicken sounds in the background.
I’m glad you enjoyed the interview, Lisa! While it centres around OmniFocus, there’s plenty of gems of wisdom for everyone. And the chickens clucking in the background definitely added to the atmosphere!