Dark mode in Discourse doesn't work

Hey @JoeBuhlig et al., I keep setting my interface preference to dark mode and clicking save, get a confirmation, then go back to the home page and it’s back to light mode. Have tried restarting Safari and opening in Chrome, but I get the same result each time.

Dark mode is working in my other two Discourses though (PG and Drafts).

Out of curiosity, can you hit Dark in the hamburger menu and share the results?

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Huh, and now it works! Thanks!

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Is there a way to enable true black rather than dark similar to Automators discourse? Or is Dark true black already?

Dark is true black here :slight_smile:


I select Dark mode in the hamburger menu and it will not go to Dark mode. It used to work.

Same thing for me. Dark mode does not work on Chrome.

I am running Discourse via iOS.

If you are experiencing an issue switching themes I suggest clearing your cache (at least for here) and trying again. We haven’t changed anything on the forum and it’s working on the devices I tested on.

So I cleared the cache on my iPad and dark mode will not activate. I also went to my MacBook Pro and it appears that when I select Dark off the hamburger menu it appears to be grayed out in that I try to select dark and all that happens is it will turn yellow and nothing happens. Very strange.

Hi Rosemary. In reference to Dark Mode not working with Discourse a funny thing happened. When running iOS 11 Dark Mode worked fine until one day it just would not change from Light to Dark. I followed all the suggestions to try and get Dark Mode working again and nothing worked. Then I loaded iOS 12 Beta version 10 (public beta) and just like magic Dark Mode is back. Since iOS runs everything in a sandbox there just isn’t a lot for me to poke around and see what may have changed. Thanks for the help and we can just file this under thing that make you go hummmm.