Did development for Napkin stop?

I love Napkin and still use it frequently now that I’m doing so much online teaching. Does anyone know if the developer stopped working on it? I still have access through my previous purchase but I noticed it’s no longer on the app store. Here’s a link to the website http://aged-and-distilled.com When I open the mac app store it says it’s not available in my country.

According to MacUpdate, it hasn’t been updated since December 2015.

The twitter account @NapkinApp has not had a new post since Sept 2016:

We’ve got a small update planned. Be sure and send us any issues you have found to support@aged-and-distilled.com

— Napkin for OS X (@NapkinApp) September 27, 2016
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Thanks for sharing the info, so sad. I didn’t realize I’ve been using it that long since the last update!

This seems like a great idea. Anyone have suggestions for a currently supported app like this?

Check out Snag-it. I still feel Napkin is faster and easier for quickly annotating images.

I also miss Clarify, they made making visual tutorials so easy but they transitioned to a corporate model.


Napkin still works great. I’ll keep using it till some OS update breaks it, at which point, who knows, the dev might return to update. I’ve seen it happen before (most normally when the dev uses his own app and gets frustrated when it stops working).

I use SnappyApp. Countless times a day. Appears to have most of what you are looking at replacing Napkin with.

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@BradG does it scroll-capture websites?

CleanShot X.

It is in Setapp.

Not that I am aware of.

I save webpages as PDF’s into DEVONthink, so this is not a feature I need.

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It’s in Setapp indeed and its an amazing find! Can’t believe I have not tried this before since it includes OCR!