This is cool. Thank you for sharing.
I’ve been using the excellent Obsidian community-contributed plugin, Advanced Obsidian URI. With this plugin installed in Obsidian, I have created actions for Drafts, Typinator, and Pop-Clip, so far. Here’s an example of the Drafts action to add what I call a “log note” to my daily note. The action uses the Drafts CallbackURL action step:
obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=<enter-your-vault-name>&daily=true&heading=Log%20Notes&mode=append&data=%0A%23%23%23%20[[date|%A %B %e, %Y %I:%M %p]]:%20[[title]]%0A%0A[[body]]
This has a lot of URL-encoding in it, and a long format for date+time, all of which can be eliminated if you don’t need those bits.
I use the Drafts share extension + capture window to grab highlights from articles – appending highlights to a master draft for the article. When I’m satisfied with the draft, I ship it over to Obsidian with the action above.
The Advanced Obsidian URI plugin has many alterative ways to create content in Obsidian using the URI scheme, including creating new files, appending to an existing file, identified by a UUID that I insert in the YAML frontmatter of new notes, etc. It is worth studying the documentation and experimenting with the plugin.