Drafts And Long Form Writing?

Federico Viticci of AppStories mentioned that he used Drafts in composting his many thousand word review of iOS 11. (long form to me…)

The standard spiel is use Drafts as a stating point for text. Yes, yes I agree. But, I have been thinking I’d prefer using one app for short and long form writing. Currently Drafts and Ulysses coexist on iPad and Mac.

I’m wondering about using Drafts exclusively.


  • Drafts now runs on my Mac
  • There are WordPress publishing actions

But Ulysses does this and handles getting images on the page (can Drafts). But, I also use WP’s editor on every post. There’re workarounds.

Are you doing longer and longest pieces using Drafts?

Nope. I prefer the way Ulysses lets me customize my writing space.

To me Drafts remains a place to start some types of text.

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How did you get the banner in Ulysses? I use Ulysses for the vast majority my writing but I’ve never seen that capability.

My appreciation of Ulysses is undiminished. But, I am checking my way of looking at the world. It’s like writing a story starter — Drafts has replaced all copies of Ulysses what does the world look like?

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It’s not a banner - it’s just an editor theme called Lecture Notes that highlights the first-order headers like that.

It’s one of the many of the dozens of free-to-download themes available at the Ulysses Style Exchange.


Also tossing out Scrivener as a good option for long form writing which syncs to the iPad.


As long as you don’t use Scrivenings, which the developer decided not to let sync to iOS. (Unless that changed recently.)

Scrivener I used it for several years, powerful. Quit using when L&L had difficulty getting iOS to market. Never saw a reason to go back.

iA Writer for me. I find drafts a bit confusing to get into with workspaces etc. I just want a simple clean writing experience.


I’m doing all my writing in it. Highly recommended. It’s not for everyone, but it works well for me. Use it daily, even if I’m not publishing with it.