Ebooks from Bookshop.org

This might be of interest to some here. Bookshop.org is a way of buying books online from local bookshops, which helps to keep them going in a world dominated by Amazon and the like.

They’ve just launched an e-reader app, so it’s possible to get e-books at the same time as supporting local bookshops.

Details here


After a quick look at the link, I do not see how local bookshops are connected.

It’s here:



This is a pass for me. I cannot read books on a phone screen. I will however mention libro.fm that is an audible competitor that does much the same for indie bookstores.


If Apple wanted to get some amazing PR they would relaunch Apple Books and Audiobooks under a similar set up.

Bookshop ebooks used to look pretty bad. I tried the app and it’s a significant improvement!
Was glad to see they have several software engineers on staff now.

Wish them well on their strategy to force Bookshop support on Kindle et al.

My local independent bookstore promotes Bookshop; it does make them a bit of real money if their customers associate accounts.

In the UK Hive do something similar: https://www.hive.co.uk/eBooks

For audiobooks: Audiobook membership | Libro.fm