Ex Hard Drive can't find on my Imac

I can see the ex hard drive when I plug it into Windows 10 but can’t see the drive when I try to connect to my iMac. any ideas, I don’t want to lose info on the hard drive.

Before trying anything on your Mac under the circumstances you described… maybe you should consider running a backup first using your Windows 10 system as long as it has access to the data.

Next step: Disk Utility. Does the drive show up in Disk Utility?

You could try to “repair” the drive using Disk Utility (after you have made sure to have a working backup):

And… never ever store data on a single drive without having a backup on another drive (or NAS or…).


No it doesnt. :unamused:

You have provided very little information to go on here. Could you answer the following questions:

Has the drive previously worked with your Mac? If so, has anything changed in the meantime?

What type of connection are you using to connect the drive? What type of drive is it? Is it a self-contained unit or is the drive removable from the case? Does the drive rely on an external power supply or does it get its power from the data connection?

When it is connected to your Windows PC, what format is the drive in? Have you tried checking the disk for errors from Windows?