Handwriting notes with Apple Pencil

(Referring to the note-taking video link in post #34 and @Lars reply in post #38)

@Lars - I would add that the creator of the video appears to be a medical student (or other health professional). Some medical students are known for their extremely thorough note-taking, sometimes bordering on compulsive. (No offense or criticism intended; just an observation). As a former medical student, I was probably in that category. :grinning: Medical students are under great pressure. What would be overly-compulsive or inefficient activity for most of us would be the norm for highly-motivated medical students.

Maybe the high-tech tools we have today encourage note-takers or note-makers to be inefficient. But it it works for them, who am I to criticize? :grinning: I’ll just enjoy those beautiful and awesome notes and fondly remember those days now that I’m not under that stress any more.

Yes, this is consistent with Constructivism as it applies to teaching and learning. To understand concepts and to be able to transfer those to other domains of learning requires processing, not merely memorizing, the concepts. This is a key feature of Inquiry-based and Problem-based learning. We use PBI/L extensively in our STEM programs, including mathematics and engineering.

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Wow! Thanks. that was definitely worth watching.

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