Hazel Rule Examples

It looks like something may be touching the file causing the rule to be retriggered and an additional copy made. I still don’t see how the file is being separated into one pdf per page.

Some things to try (one at a time)

  • Add a rule to create a delay before the action takes place “Date Created is not in the last 5 minutes” for example.
  • Change Copy to Move. See if you still get multiple files, which would mean something is repeatedly creating the file in Hazel Invoices.
  • Add a new first action to tag the file, and add a rule that the file is not tagged. That should prevent re-execution of the rule.

Will do my homework and sleuthing this evening! Thank your for your reply…Joan

I’ll share one of my most used Hazel rules. In my work, I receive a lot of emails with PDF attachments for me to review and provide feedback. Often, these are long documents that require a considerable amount of time to review properly. I use Hazel to help me with this so I can manage the work properly with everything else I have to do.

When I receive an email, I save the PDF attachment to a Dropbox folder called “File and Read”. I can do this from any of my devices - my Mac, iPad, iPhone, so long as I have an internet connection.

Hazel is watching that Dropbox folder and when it sees any PDF, it runs a simple Applescript to add a task to Things to remind me to read the PDF, then syncs the file two places: one to my PDF Expert iCloud directory and also into an @File folder that I’ll routinely sift through and file away as needed (Hazel also watches this @File folder with a dozen or so rules to automatically file away ones I receive a lot). Finally, it moves the PDF to the trash can.

I have an iMac running 24/7, so this rule is acted upon no matter where I am.

After this runs, I’ll see the task show up in Things to remind me to review it. The file I need is saved in PDF Expert so when I open that app, the file is already there waiting for my review. During my review, I will often mark it up and email it back to the person who sent it to me right from PDF Expert. Very simple and easy workflow.

Here’s the Hazel rule:

And the Applescript to add the task to Things:

I have separate Hazel rules watching my PDF Expert folder to trash any unchanged files over seven days old, and to save any updated files with my annotations to my @File directory in case I want to save my notes.

Hope this prompts some ideas on how you all can continue to expand your use of Hazel! Let me know if I can answer any questions.