Help me understand the need for "future proofing" and multiple redundant backups

I can share that files in iCloud that have been purged from my local drive are NOT backed up by Time Machine. Even when I marked the directory to always keep downloaded, things were still purged and missing from backups. The ambiguity of this left me feeling uncomfortable enough to switch to Carbon Copy Cloner, and I have been delighted with it. The killer feature for this problem is a setting to automatically download cloud files for the backup process, then purge them when finished. It has other great features, but this was the clincher for me.

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With all the future proofing discussions, the file format is mainly talked about is txt file

Are the OpenDocument formats used by LibreOffice/OpenOffice not considered future proof? Is there any specific reason?

The US Library of Congress finds it acceptable.

I tend to err on the side of caution whenever possible. I try not to overthink it and go completely overboard, but I think it’s wise to set yourself up to be in the best possible situation should the worst happen.

Whenever we travel somewhere I always make sure our accommodations a equipped with a working smoke/carbon monoxide detector. With road trips in mind, I prefer leasing a vehicle every few years so that we are always driving a newer/safer model vehicle. I remember an auto journalist here in Canada doing a segment about safety. He said a lot of his readers prioritize safety in their cars but many of them are driving 10 year old (or older cars). He said if you really prioritize safety, update your car.

But I digress.

For things like family photos, videos of my kids, I keep everything on an external drive as my main photo library (with originals downloaded), then I backup to Backblaze and Time Machine as well. The chances of my house burning down are slim but if that ever happened, I want to know all my memories are safe and not lost because “eh, that won’t be likely”.

Finally, we’re travelling to Europe in a few weeks. I put all my tickets/itineraries into a couple of cloud platforms and made sure to turn my stolen device protection on. I’ve also made sure people can’t activate control centre (thus airplane mode) from the lockscreen, and I’ve taken steps to know that if my phone is lost or stolen, I’m safe.

I just like knowing if the worst happens I can say “enact this plan” rather than “oh crap, what now, how bad is it and what do I do!”


Sync is NOT a backup. It will cheerfully propagate deletions and errors to all your device quickly and efficiently


Indeed. But it is another copy, offsite. I have TimeMachine in case there are deletions and errors. If there’s a fire in my office, I’m not sure how that will propagate to iCloud.

This is iCloud we’re talking about.

“Apple Fire never needs extinguishing because it will extinguish itself whenever it needs to.”

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“If you receive a federal subpoena and light your office on fire to destroy your data, your cloud data could still be seized by the authorities. UNTIL NOW. Introducing the next layer of transport security, “end to end ignition,” only from Apple.”

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