Hide Played Episodes in Overcast - Am I Missing Something?

I’ve been using Overcast lately and I’m really enjoying it. The only thing I’m struggling with is finding a way to hide played episodes. There are a few podcasts I’m starting from the beginning and I don’t like the clutter of having episodes that are already played showing in the “All” feed. The Apple Podcasts player would automatically hide episodes if they were played, and I was hoping there’s something similar on Overcast. I’ve looked everywhere but I can’t seem to find a solution.

If you set it to delete the episodes immediately (after played) they won’t show

In the main settings screen the Delete setting offers 3 options:

  • Manually
  • When Completed
  • 24 Hours After Completion

If you select When Completed, then the episode will not be visible immediately after completing the episode. Personally, I use 24 hours After Complication as I occasionally will hear something mentioned in an episode while driving and will want to check the show notes and follow a link after I arrive home. If the episode is already gone, that makes it more difficult. Of course, you may not need or care about that.

Note that in addition to the global setting, you can also set a unique option for each individual Podcast.

I’ve tried that and have episodes set to delete after listening but that only works when in “Current” not “All”.

I am currently listening to a podcast that started in 2019 and trying to catch up. I have the “All” section set to “Oldest to Newest”
So I can listen in order but have scroll through years worth of podcasts to find the next one.

Apples podcast app hides these episodes and only show you ones that are unplayed.

The only thing I can think of doing is downloading all the episodes so they are in the “Current” section, but that will take up a lot of space.

“All” shows all the episodes available, as I certainly expect it should. “Current” has episodes you haven’t listened to or completed. Completed episodes are removed from the Current list as specified under Delete in the settings for a podcast, and as described above. The “Episode Limit” sets the maximum number of unlistened episodes that will appear in Current. This way only the most recent episodes will appear. Note that if you partially listen to an episode it is no longer unlistened, nor is it completed, so it will remain current. I find this to be a major hangup as it requires listening to the outros that otherwise I’d skip.


If you add the episodes to the list they will show up under current. In the all episodes view, find an episode you want to listen to and swipe to the left. There is a green plus icon. This will make the text bold indicating it is a current episode and will then show in the current view. Rinse and repeat for each episode. Tedious but I don’t thing there is a multi selection option.

Sorry I misunderstood you. In that case I would (I’m explaining what I would do, not suggesting it’s what you should do) download all episodes for that podcast and then work my way through them, rather than adding a few at a time.