How do you organize your personal folders and files on your Mac

That’s the scanner that’s been on my radar, do you love it? Does it allow for a feeder for scanning prints?

No feeder, its a flatbed. It comes with holders for different size negatives.

And yes, I do love it :slight_smile:

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Would you be willing to talk offline a bit on what holders are included? I have some questions as that’s one I have considered.

e-mail oogiem@

I organize everything with DevonThink now. I used to use Evernote but found that with the AI DevonThink provides coupled with hazel, I have a good way of storing all of my files and folders.


On IOS ? I’d love to use tags but if I say create a file on my phone it’s hard enough to rename the bloody thing let alone ad a tag. Closes thing is to use #sometagname in the actual file name. Storing it on a NAS also loses that tags I believe. The fact that on IOS we can’t save a file AND rename it at the same time is a right pain. I know this is a Mac thread but most folks also do some work on their IOS devices too.

Hi Jane,

This article from Asian Efficiency might be of help.

The Most Effective Way of Organizing Your Files, Folders and Documents


Just wanted to throw a post I just made into here as it covers a similar topic How do you organize your files on your Mac, external HD, and/or NAS devices?