How many 'inboxes' do you have? How do you consolidate them?

Oogie I know that you’re highly admired in this community (I definitely look up to you) though I have to ask, you said that things get emptied regularly on a schedule, without delving into the schedule itself, do you utilize a checklist or calendar to ensure you hit your various inboxes? I’m starting to throw a bunch of my internet tabs and other various things into DevonThink to consolidate and serve more so as my brain as between that and OmniFocus I’m less likely to forget things. Love using Paprika for recipes and Goodreads to manage my reading list as separate apps.

I have a weekly review checklist but now it’s mostly just extra fluff in my Omnifocus system, I hardly use it anymore as like a habit I know just do it. But yes my checklist did have an action to clear out all my inboxes. I try to do a weekly review on Friday. But I have missed some so it’s not perfect.