Hope someone can give me some suggestions.
Still have a trusty 2012 Mac Mini that is connected to a 34" tv in a spare room, that serves as a kind of media centre.
It has an internal 1 TB SSD (with 644GB’s available), and a secondary 1TB HDD — that now has no space available on it.
The SSD has the OS running on it, and the Music.app.
The “culprit” on the HDD, are my and my SO’s Photo’s libraries.
Her library (that the HDD is pointed to, and accesses from her user account) comes in at 286GB, and mine comes in at 645GB.
With the HDD now full, I am unable to open Photos, to check and see if all going OK — and obviously, nothing more can be synced/downloaded.
Importantly — both library’s were set to “download Originals” — with the thinking that both my and my wife’s Photo’s library would be backed up to the Mac Mini, which then has Backblaze and a DAS external storage/TM backup connected to it, for some redundancy.
My questions:
1.) Whilst I acknowledge that photos and videos have increased in size over the years, given the new resolutions involved — I cannot for the life of me see how my library has ballooned to over 600GB’s in a couple of years.
I am now wondering (as per this post) whether my aim of having the originals download for both user accounts, despite not always being logged in etc., has seen the Photo libraries balloon beyond the size they are supposed to be, on account of Photos.app possibly downloading multiple versions/duplicates, in efforts to keep the library’s properly synced?
That said, my iPhone also indicates that my Photos’ library is the same size indicated on the Mac Mini…
But goodness — I don’t take photos at a Siracusa level — family of 4, and it’s only iPhone photos, and the occasional 1/2/3 minute videos of concerts/sports events etc. Nothing out of the ordinary. Is that possible, to have increased 3-fold over a few years?
Regardless, (2.) not sure what to do now?
How would I check to see that the Photos’ DB is “correct”, and not containing unnecessary duplicates?
Should I (2.a) copy/move the biggest one off onto an external, to free up HDD space — and then “rebuild” my wife’s library? Once that’s done, then (2.b) “rebuild/repair” my library on the external, to see if it reduces size, to then hopefully copy back?
Or do I concede that the bloat is real, and (3) invest in bigger external drives for my aging DAS, and move things over to external storage?
Really stuck ATM, and would like to resolve this ASAP, to ensure nothing gets lost.
Would appreciate any/all suggestions!