I just asterisk the title.
I just started using this to track my reading. If you want to change settings, you have to watch an ad or subscribe. The ads are not plastered all over the app though. They are more like commercials.
What happens to your data if that siteor app shuts down?
I prefer to store data in text files that I control since that system has great longevity. And I control the data.
what site? the data stays on your phone
Great thread and insights. I was hoping that someone might be able to give a recommendation for a service for tracking new books from authors that I want to follow. That I can then add to a reading list. Everything above seems great about tracking books that have been purchased, but not so much on a single place to go to see new releases.
I’ve been using Fantastic Fiction for this mostly, but it is a bit clunky, I would rather a nicer experience.
Once I have the book on my radar, I’m then using Things 3 to.
Ideally I’d use the same thing for new release tracking, to read, then read tracking.
You might want to check out Book Notification. The FAQ page explains how to follow an author and get notified about any of their upcoming releases.
The site is very new and appears to be a labor of love funded via affiliate links. I don’t have an account and don’t use the site to track upcoming releases. I use it mostly for a quick and dirty list of books a given author has published and the date of publication. (It’s a bit more streamlined than Wikipedia in this regard, but potentially less accurate and nuanced.) It’s fine for more or less contemporary fiction authors, but less reliable for writers that fall between the cracks of “classic” and “contemporary” and for nonfiction.
In plain text files that I can access easily from outside the app? My point was having full access and control of my data.
That seems to only be a phone application, so what if I’m on my workstation, ie no phone?
maybe this app isn’t for you. I am not a big fan of “the text file way of life”… I lived that back in the 80s. If I want to do it now, I would just use one of those nice leatherbound journals from B&N and tote it with me.
I just use things 3. It couldn’t be any easier.
How many books do you have on the books to read list at any given time?
Mine’s currently over 1200 books (that’s down after I had a tidy up and removed some titles), which is why I don’t use a task manager for this. I think I could, but I’d want a dedicated task manager that only held books in it, and if I’m going to do that I might as well use a book app designed for that purpose. I don’t want these “specialist lists” in my daily task manager.
Lol you reminded me of my goodreads to read list, that thing makes me sweat every time I revisit it, it has > 500 books.
Oh, I really don’t know, Oogie, probably a few dozen in my “Want to Read” list. I take your apparent point. Things 3 is fine for small numbers. Were I to put hundreds, I’d likely end up with a bit of a mess.
I’m far closer to @Pupsino with my lists, I actually don’t have an accounting of total numbers (cleanup is on my list for a winter project) but my best guess is it’s close to 1100 or so give or take a couple hundred.