Hyper Key Help - Keeping Caps Lock Functionality

I’m pretty sure I tried what you did and it worked, but that’s not what I want. As for permissions, I think if that were not correct KE wouldn’t work at all. I tried it anyway but no luck.

What version of KE are you and @Evan using? I have 12.8.0.

FYI, I have KE 12.8.0 and use Caps Lock as the hyper key with Shift+Caps Lock as Caps Lock. This is a rule that can be enabled under “Complex modifications”.

I’ll have to check tomorrow, but I’m pretty sure whatever the latest version is. What OS are you using? I’m on Catalina and have had occasional issues with KE not working in general, and I’ve occasionally had to re-drag a couple of KE flies into the accessibility pane, and run a terminal command I found online to restart things. But I haven’t had to do that for a couple weeks.

I have that much working. I would like to also have Caps Lock as Caps Lock.

I’m on Catalina too. I’d like to know what you have in the accessibility pane, and also what terminal command you used.

Here’s a screenshot of what I have checked. I forget why I have the first one in there twice.

EDIT: I have the same first two checked under “Accessibility” too:

Thanks. I had the two in Input Monitoring already, added the two in Accessibility, restarted KE, still no luck.

I’m not sure it will help but I tried Karabiner-EventViewer and got these results:

For Caps-Lock-v I get:

type:key_down    code:227    name:left_gui        misc:flags: left_gui 
type:key_down    code:224    name:left_control    misc:flags: left_control,left_gui 
type:key_down    code:226    name:left_alt        misc:flags: left_alt,left_control,left_gui 
type:key_down    code:225    name:left_shift      misc:flags: left_alt,left_control,left_gui,left_shift 
type:key_down    code:25     name:v               misc:flags: left_alt,left_control,left_gui,left_shift 
type:key_up      code:25     name:v               misc:flags: left_alt,left_control,left_gui,left_shift 
type:key_up      code:225    name:left_shift      misc:flags: left_alt,left_control,left_gui 
type:key_up      code:224    name:left_control    misc:flags: left_alt,left_gui 
type:key_up      code:226    name:left_alt        misc:flags: left_gui 
type:key_up      code:227    name:left_gui        misc:

And for Caps-Lock alone I get:

type:key_down    code:227    name:left_gui        misc:flags: left_gui 
type:key_down    code:224    name:left_control    misc:flags: left_control,left_gui 
type:key_down    code:226    name:left_alt        misc:flags: left_alt,left_control,left_gui 
type:key_down    code:225    name:left_shift      misc:flags: left_alt,left_control,left_gui,left_shift 
type:key_up      code:225    name:left_shift      misc:flags: left_alt,left_control,left_gui 
type:key_up      code:224    name:left_control    misc:flags: left_alt,left_gui 
type:key_up      code:226    name:left_alt        misc:flags: left_gui 
type:key_up      code:227    name:left_gui        misc:
type:key_down    code:57     name:caps_lock       misc:
type:key_up      code:57     name:caps_lock       misc:

I really wish I could help you, Jim. I don’t have any ideas to suggest. I’m certainly no expert on this, and it might be the sort of thing that can only be solved by someone sitting down at your Mac. :frowning_face:

Thanks, @Evan. I’ll keep poking around. If I learn anything I’ll post it.

The Event Viewer info you posted looks exactly like what I would see before I added Evan’s snippet. Could you post a shot of the JSON file for the portion for the hyper key mod? And have you tried changing the hold down value to see if that changes anything?

Sorry for the delay @Bob_Murdock , here it is:

                "rules": [
                        "manipulators": [
                                "description": "Change caps_lock to command+control+option+shift.",
                                "from": {
                                    "key_code": "caps_lock",
                                    "modifiers": {
                                        "optional": [
                                "to": [
                                        "key_code": "left_shift",
                                        "modifiers": [
                                "to_if_alone": [
                                        "key_code": "caps_lock",
                                        "hold_down_milliseconds": 100
                                "type": "basic"

I love this set up.

I’ve got it set a little higher because I have slow fingers.

So, I found something interesting wrt Karabiner-Elements on my machine. With KE off, my caps-lock key works normally. As soon as I launch KE, my caps-lock key quits working. This is a clean install of KE, with no modifications installed, and nothing in the json file that refers to caps-lock. Weird, right? But it does explain why I could never get the caps-lock key to be caps-lock using the to_if_alone section.