I Don’t Like Ads but I Admit, This One from Apple on Safari Privacy is Great!

Perhaps, but I don’t click on ad links or buy from seeing ads, so in my case, there is little data regarding my response to ads except for a lack of one. :slightly_smiling_face:

I know, I know, “I’m more influenced by ads than I realize.” True to a degree. Indeed, ads increase awareness and mindshare and create impressions, affecting buying behavior. In those ways, I’m not immune to the effects of advertising.

But, my buying decisions for anything over $50 are predicated on researching, to the best of my ability, the correlation between a product’s or service’s features and my wants or needs. I never click on ad links (really, I never do), and most of the time, I mute TV commercials. I use Brave and ad blockers on YouTube. I don’t use social media so I’m spared manipulative advertising on those platforms. In fact, I even put on my LinkedIn profile, “Note: I do not respond to sales solicitations. Thank you.” :slightly_smiling_face:

The one form of “advertising” that I have often fallen prey to has been app recommendations from podcasters and recommendations on this forum. But I’ve slowly weaned myself from these influences, reducing the apps I use to a bare minimum. I hasten to add that I appreciate and value the recommendations I’ve received, solicited and otherwise. :slightly_smiling_face:

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