iCloud Junk Filter

In the past 24 hours or so, nearly every message that comes to my iCloud email address is going to the Junk folder.

I am running SpamSieve on my iMac. Junk filtering is turned off on the iMac.

I understand that there is server-side Junk filtering with iCloud.

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing a sudden increase in false positives to the Junk folder. Could it be related to the iOS 13 update on my iPhone?

Thanks for any help!

From Michael Tsai - SpamSieve Developer…

The iCloud server junk filter seems to be moving lots of good messages to Junk lately (whereas SpamSieve moves messages to Spam). It’s not possible to turn off the iCloud filter, but you can set up SpamSieve to rescue good messages from the Junk mailbox: https://c-command.com/scripts/spamsieve/apple-mail-server-junk-mailbox

I do not use SpamSieve just plain ole Apple Mail. All of my messages until 1:10 PM CST today (09/21) have gone to Junk Folder (Both junk and good emails). As of 3 PM, my good emails are starting to go to my inbox. I will keep an eye on this.

Yeah. I think Apple may have fixed the problem.

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It is happening to me too. Let’s see if it stays resolved. Some good e-mail are still going to junk.