If you were independently wealthy and had exemplar programming and design skills

I would hire enough programmers and UI designers to fully finish my LambTracker system and build it out to my internal vision of what I want.

My own programming skills and time are being sorely tested just getting the next puzzle piece programmed.

I would expand it with a related app to track and document breeding of rare poultry, chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. Bird breeding si enough different from other livestock that LambTracker would need a different database

Ugh, yes! My own discipline most commonly uses citation styles that require a page number (if there is one) for in-text citations, fortunately.

It drives me absolutely bonkers when I read something in another citation style that doesnā€™t require it. What if I want to check the passage the authorā€™s referring to in order to improve my understanding of the argument theyā€™re making?

The page number(s) help me follow ā€” and, if Iā€™m writing something myself, participate in ā€” the larger conversation. Which is precisely what I try to teach my students citation is for. Itā€™s not only for giving appropriate credit to others for their ideas, important as that is.

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Yes, the citation style is definitely discipline-specific.

Like in Arts and Humanities, in-text quotation and block quotation are quite common and require writer to add page number besides author-date.

If you donā€™t directly quote other authorā€™s original text, but instead paraphrase it, author and year will be fine, unless you think the original text might be of interest to the imagined readers.

FYI you might be interested in the Cite This For Me: Web Citer Chromium-browser extension - on any web page it can generate a correctly formatted citation in your choice of APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles.


Exactly. Iā€™m in Political Science, but in a subfield thatā€™s really more akin to the Humanities than to many of the other Social Sciences. I always include a page number unless Iā€™m making a very broad reference to the entire work.

Thanks for the info. Since citing a website like newspaper is rather rare in my area, this extension would not help me a lot. LOL. I usually use Zotero Chrome extension to cite those papers without specifying DOI. Btw, Zotero extension can also recognize video, newspaper, etc., and generate references.


Marked may help you with that.

I had the very same thought when reading the question. I would find a way to code in a reliable way for EverRoamThinkKasten (great name!) to index all of my officeā€™s Box drive with all the various folders for reference/finding in ERTK. DT will do a folder, but the entire effort to index all the files (in excess of 160,000) in Box leads to a spinning beach ball and ultimate sad death of the process.

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Oooh ERTK works great as an acronym!
Okay, deal. Now all that we need is independent wealth and exemplary programming skillsā€¦ :grin:

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May I humbly suggest a slight name modification to improve the acronym? EverRoamKastenThink gives you ERKT (pronounced like ā€œirkedā€).


Build it and Iā€™ll buy it!