iOS App Store purgatory: Help us buy apps

iOS 13.1.2
iPadOS 13.1.2

Today - I’m wanting to download a free app on my iPhone. It is stuck in a loop of entering my password for the App Store account. Even after logging out of the App Store and logging back in, I get stuck in the loop.

The workaround - buy the app with no problems on the iPad!

Suggestions? Similar frustrations?

Thank you,

Have you tried rebooting the iPhone? That’s really the only thing I can think of.

Maybe try not just logging out of app store, but out of iCloud completely, then try again?

Thank you. This appears to be the best short term fix – actually powering off and powering on the Xs.

@JohnnyPants I’ve not tried logging out of iCloud altogether. I might do that the next time it happens.