iOS Screenshots on macOS

I’m an independent iOS developer and I take a lot of screenshots for reference, mainly of apps I like the look of or particular screen designs. For example for a while I was collecting screenshots of GDPR consent screens.

At the moment I have a IFTTT applet which copies screenshots from my iPhone to Dropbox and syncs them to my Mac and then I review them in Pixa.

But Pixa is dead and I need a replacement.

Does anyone have any recommendations?!

Any particular reason you don’t want to use iCloud Photo Library?

I would use a combination of the QuickTime mirroring and the cmd + shift+ 4 screen shot

I was thinking maybe I should just do this as I was writing the post.

The reason I’ve not used it so far is that they’re not photos. Really I’m looking for something like a mood board. Maybe I should start using Pinterest for this.

Getting the screenshots onto my Mac isn’t a problem, it’s cataloging them.

Maybe I should just use folders in the Finer.