Suggestions for ultimate protection from dropping, dust & dirt. I am around horses, hay, dust & desert environment, so I need the protection. Thank you
I find my Rhinoshield provides good protection with minimal intrusion. Numerous drops with no damage. For total protection an OtterBox usually works well but too bulky for my tastes.
Otterbox wins hands down.
Mine has been stepped on by sheep, dropped in manure and urine and covered in lamb slime. Only issue is that I have to take the phone out of the case and periodically clean the dust that migrates in through the charging port. Has survived being dropped in the mud from irrigating and then stepped on by me as well.
It would not survive being stepped on by horses, but does survive most drops from horseback as long as you hit dirt or grass not rocks. Also it will not survive being dropped into a grape crushing machine when working at a winery.
I think Otterbox needs to know about their new product ambassador!
I’m almost afraid to ask how you know this…
She had me at lamb slime.
Thankfully not mine, but a neighbors. I think every farmer I know has an Otterbox no matter what device they use.
I am the official sheep midwife around here so all my stuff gets slimed on occasion.
I’ve always bought Otterbox defender cases with my iPhones since I bought my first iPhone (an iPhone 5) from a friend. I’ve never smashed a phone screen in my life!