Is the iPad a computer? My university doesn't think so

I just reread the OP: The first time through I thought that the assertion that an iPad isn’t suitable as a general purpose computer was intended to be ironic, but not I’m not sure.

My take: For a number of reasons, iPads are somewhat more constrained than Macs, but they absolutely are general purpose computers that are suitable for the vast majority of what most people use computers for. Depending on the day (what I’m doing), I use my iPad nearly as much as my Mac and I love it.


For most school use I suspect most students would get more out of the iPad and Pencil. Apple could help itself greatly if it offered backup as a service. For niches like CoSci (what my old college idiosyncratically called it) I can see it being insufficient right now.

If I had to go back to college today I’d probably get a MacBook (maybe a new Apple Silicon model that can also run iPad apps unmodified) just because between multitasking, windowing, Spaces, and a few apps unique to desktop computers I’d get much more done, more productively.

These days the price/performance equation has shifted, and you can get halfway decent Chromebooks and Windows laptops for $400. With Apple Silicon Macbooks (or whatever they’re going to call them) rumored to start at $799, Apple will sell a ton, but they’ll continue to lose sales to families with smaller budgets, especially in a recession. (As it ever was.)

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It’s a great question.

I think yes, institutions should be trying to meet the minimum available specs of the most common devices. It’s an issue of accessibility and social justice. Minimizing the need for a student barely making ends meet on student loans to go get the right device should be a priority—especially when that device is on top of Streaming University’s ludicrous tuition fees.

I don’t think that’s an iPad, though; making sure the Learning Management System works with mobile browsers on relatively recent iPhones and Android phones is probably more sensible.

My ire isn’t directed at the iPad—it’s at this kind of attitude.

Imagine a Venn diagram encapsulating all the use cases of a computer. I’m betting the Mac’s overlap with those use cases would be much greater than the iPad’s.

Maybe not for you specifically, but that’s not the point. The point is that there should be some threshold size of overlap before a device can be generally recommended. Sure, a Windows PC might have an even bigger overlap (especially if it’s a 2-in-1… imagine that), but that’s still not the point. The point is that the iPad’s overlap is not big enough to recommend it in lieu of the other options.

The hypothetical isn’t necessary, though. An iPad isn’t workable as a general use computer to attend my university. That’s just… what it is. So, to reiterate: Apple’s pushing an iPad as a laptop replacement these days, but you might not be able to use it to complete your University classes, ergo this is a misleading line of thought. Unless going to university is a special purpose, which might be a reasonable argument.

To really push that point home, if you’re able to use the iPad 100% of the time, it’s because you’re privileged enough (a) that your work isn’t complex enough to require more, or (b) that you’re proficient and resourced enough to find workarounds.

And yes, I have a bit of buyer’s power user’s* remorse, but it isn’t because of the iPad. It’s because this prevalent attitude is misleading, damaging, and needs to be challenged more.

I still love my iPad, but I have been awfully stupid for trying to use it for everything.

* I say “power user’s remorse” because it isn’t just the cash, it’s all the damned time I’ve spent trying to get certain workflows to work!

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Yes, probably something like that. Also, for all I know the iOS App is terrible and they are saving us from pain, lol.

I think the major linch pin is universities, like any larger company, rely on clunky enterprise software which is notorious for being slow to adopt, if ever, mobile platforms, so sometimes the university’s hands are tied even if they want to. And of course, institutions are often locked into multi-year agreements with vendors and/or it’s incredible painful/expensive to change. The last time my university did a major platform change, there were problems for years (some of which were never resolved).

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They’ve been pretty careful not to assert that in any of their marketing. From the beginning they’ve positioned the iPad as a laptop alternative, not a laptop replacement. There’s a difference.


There’s another Rather Large challenge here as well, in the sense that the people who want to migrate frequently can’t all agree on what, specifically, about the current system needs to change.

Since the USA is the middle of an election year right now, I can use that as an easy example. Say a senator / representative / whatever only has a 30% approval rating. It would be common sense that there’s no way they can win re-election, because 70% of the people disapprove.

But even assuming those stats are representative and correct, that’s just not true. The 70% of people who disapprove all have to be united in a single, new direction - or at a minimum, enough of them need to be united to eclipse the 30% that are in favor of the incumbent.

And that frequently doesn’t happen, as the 70% might be made up of a dozen micro-constituencies that aren’t ever going to get together on anything.

Same with LMS stuff. I’m part of a volunteer organization that uses Cornerstone On Demand’s LMS. Nobody loves it, and I’d venture to say that most people don’t really like it, but when you listen to the complaints about it they all have “simple, easy ideas to make it better” - which directly contradict the “simple, easy ideas” of the next guy.

I’d bet that’s the case in spades at a University.

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I agree here regarding accessibility and the financial considerations - but I don’t think “meet the minimum available specs of the most common devices” extends to “phones”.

It might just be that I’m getting old, but I can’t imagine that interacting with detailed information on a phone screen is anywhere near the same as working with it on a laptop. Especially that “phones” is going to have a minimum spec too, which will probably put it out of the range of the $50 Android phones that so many people use.

What I would find useful is if universities would figure out ways to run their funding structure so students don’t get things sprung on them at inconvenient times.

For example…

Local university in my hometown has dorms. There’s a “student activity fee” you have to pay for the dorms - something like $20/year. This entitles you to borrow a board game, a frying pan, etc. when you need them. Basically the $20/year that you spend gets thrown into a pool of money, and they buy things that students are telling them they need.

The challenge is, many students don’t pay the fee. It’s probably less than 25% of the students who live in the dorm. They don’t find out about it ahead of time, or they’re broke, so they can’t roll it into their loans that cover housing - so you get the absolutely stupid situation where a university student who’s paying insane rent to live in a building can’t take advantage of the large “lending library” of stuff because they don’t have another $20.

I suggested to a student government person once that they could just raise the dorm rent by $1 a month for everybody. That would probably almost double their funding, and students wouldn’t have to worry about it.

I got a reply about budgets and line items and all that sort of thing, and was told that it was impossible to do that. Which I refuse to believe.

I feel the same way about technology. Justice and access aren’t being opposed by the requirement that students use a laptop - they’re being opposed by the fact that the laptop isn’t being paid for in a way that lets the students use their federal loans / grants / scholarships to cover the purchase price, and thus it gets sprung on them at the last minute to be paid for out-of-pocket with money they don’t have.

That’s the problem, to me. :slight_smile:

I would say that uni is totally a general use case. And if you can survive on the iPad, you are clearly not doing intensive 3D animation or analyzing gigantic sets of data. That doesn’t make you better or worse as a person. It makes you better as a contributor because you bring a different point of view.

Being able to survive on an iPad because your work is not resource-intensive isn’t good or bad. It doesn’t make you good or bad. It’s just a situation, not a judgement.

You could use RDP, it’s not that hard.

Well, no, but they should modernize their software, and modernized software can usually run on iPad.

alright, alright. well, sorry my statement offended you. I’m just saying:

a) if you’re on an iPad, you’re not doing resource intensive work
b) I still value your point of view, regardless of whether you’re a power user
c) university is a pretty general use case

Additionally, I would say you’re probably a power user based on the fact that you a) listen to MPU and b) are in this forum.

Apologies if my statements were offensive, that wasn’t my intention.

  1. What work are you doing? Genuine interest.
  2. Aren’t my examples valid though? And how would you define a power user?

True. I will try to avoid this mistake in the future.

Again, I’d like to apologize for anything I said that came across as offensive.

I’m an iPad-only user and can’t imagine doing anything intensive on it though!

Wall. Of. Text.


What is complex work?

@wolfie Interesting (in a sad way) that we’re accusing each other of elitism. There must be some resolvable conflict here.

I was not dressing up an ad-hominem attack, though. I am an information systems researcher. I study technology use. I did not mean to offend by suggesting that your work is not complex (why that would matter at all is a whole other discussion). But there must be some kind of difference between why my experience with the iPad (and others I know) is different from yours.

A simple model of technology theory is that technology use involves an Interaction between a Human, a Computer (pun unintended), and a Task.

That gives us four broad variables:

  • Human
  • Computer
  • Task
  • Interaction

Variance in one of these variables accounts for differences in experience.

Given that we’re talking about the same Computer, and I am assuming the Humans are equal (again, I was not passing judgment on you; I of course hope you’re not passing judgment on me), it could be the Task, or it could be the Interaction.

You seem to be arguing that:

  • It is the Task, but it is task specific, not general; and/or
  • It is the Interaction: you like the iPad, I don’t; that accounts for the variance.
  • That it is the human, and I’m too something to “get” the iPad. I assume that this is not the situation.

My experience (which may be anecdotal, but that doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant; I’d argue that rigorous analysis of workflow a form of auto-ethnography) counters that. I do like the iPad. I only want to chuck it at the wall when it fails at a (large variety of) Task(s). So, I think it’s the Task that’s to blame—and because it’s not a specific task that fails, but a variety of them, I think it’s general task complexity.

Complexity in no way means “greater” or “more difficult.” I’m roughly defining complexity like so:
Comparing simple, complicated, and complex problems

To adapt that framework to computer tasks, I think about what the Human needs to act on to achieve the Task. In other words, the number of objects (and the kind of objects) that need to be managed while completing a task.

My work usually involves referencing and managing many concepts at the same time. There’s little pattern to what I’ll need, when. Therefore I have found I need something like clipboard history, file system access, “desktop”-like space, and so on to be able to achieve that. I have tried real hard to use iPads to do this kind of work, but even when I’ve found a good workflow for one scenario, it fails the next time.

If this is also true of your work, then maybe my hypothesis is wrong. If so, what else is it about the Task that accounts for the difference? Or is it something else? (Am I an idiot?)

Qualifying tool functionality measures

Like any tool, it’s not always suitable for every conceivable application. A good friend of mine is an architect and the software he needs doesn’t exist on macOS and does not have a macOS analogue. That doesn’t mean the Mac isn’t an excellent general use computer. It means he has to choose the right tool for the job.

There is no arbitrary threshold of usefulness required to be a general use computer and if there was you’d have to do a lot better to justify how you fall outside that threshold but me and people like me do not. That is a privileged attitude.

@wolfie Ahem, well, actually, design and technology research has tried really hard to think about such a threshold. Affordance theory has been used in Information Systems to work towards such an understanding. I couldn’t find any one paper to point at for the fundamentals, but Anderson and Robey’s work is interesting and illustrative:

It gets at my point: computers (“systems”, in the diagram) have features that, combined with user abilities, lead to some kind of actualized functionality. I’m arguing that in most Actual Contexts, macOS’s features lead to better affordances for that functionality. That’s the “arbitrary threshold of usefulness.” I may be wrong, but that just means that the iPad’s more fulfilling of that threshold, not that the threshold doesn’t exist.

Community-set expectations

I get it; the iPad has not met your expectations. We could debate those expectations but I don’t think Apple have ever pitched the iPad as a replacement for a MacBook. I think they have demonstrated that the iPad is not just some content consumption toy and that it is a computer in the same sense as a Mac. They’ve never suggested equivalence.

@wolfie Exactly. But! My ire comes from the fact that my expectations have been established by the community’s framing of the iPad. I’m arguing that should be revoked.

What is general purpose?

I do appreciate the notion that I’m falsely equating general purpose, university use, and complex work.

Those things are probably not the same, if only because the idea of “general purpose computing” has widened quite a bit in recent years. A computer is less something that manages files and data and more a way to read and connect with others. If that’s now what we’re calling “general purpose”, I’d agree with that.

My issue with iPad recommendation still stands. I think folks should hesitate to suggest the iPad unless use case is really well-understood. As @WayneG said, choose the software first. To which I would specify, choose the different apps you need—and how they interact—first.


Bravo! I think this is the best post I’ve ever seen on the forum.

Correct me if i’m wrong, but here’s a summary:

  1. Model of tech theory lets us split the use of tech into four variables: Human, Computer, Task, Interaction.
  2. One of the above variables is responsible for variance between the opinions of you or I and the opinions of those like Wolfie. Not Human and not Computer, so must be Task or Interaction.
  3. You are arguing Task is to blame, and because many complex Tasks didn’t work well on the iPad for you, it is an issue of how complex the task is. I have had a similar experience.
  4. You argue that Macs are better general-use computers that iPads because they meet the threshold of functionality required for this status.
  5. You argue that the community has wrongly framed the iPad as a Mac replacement.

I would agree. iPads are general use computers. This is pretty certain. But for most situations, a Mac is a(n) equivalent/better general use computer.

Could I get a copy of that paper you referenced?

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I just sent you a message with the article that @ryanjamurphy mentioned. :slight_smile:


My kids are in elementary and middle school, and we’re subjected to not one but two LMSs - one for classwork being assigned and submitted, the other for recording and reporting grades (go figure - I can see assignments given in LMS #1, but the grades for the work they’ve turned in there get recorded in LMS #2). And then a third service/app for receiving communications from the school administrators

Both LMSs are web-based but also offer iOS apps, at least for parents. The kids have Chromebooks and everything seems to work OK for them there, but the parent experience in both LMSs is just terrible - and worse on the iOS apps, which appear to be wrappers for Webkit but somehow worse than a regular web interface.

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Well, and there are two aspects of that - the tool and the task. Safari as a browser in general, and a mobile browser in particular, from a web development point of view, seems to be much more of a “moving target” than some of the others (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) with its power management, background suspension, etc. LMS software probably pushes the edges of the tech more so than other websites.

Then there’s also the fact that the platform itself hobbles competition in the browser space (or at least used to?) by requiring that all browsers on iOS be Webkit - so no alternate rendering engine is available.

Personally, I think that if a legit Chrome port that absolutely lied about its UA (“Google Chrome on a Windows 10 laptop here. iPad? Me? No, I think you have me mistaken for somebody else. I’m a Lenovo IdeaPad.” :smiley: ) were available for the iPad, a lot of these sites would WORK just fine. But the auto-detection and the stubbornness of iOS apps to tell the truth makes that an untested hypothesis at this point.

I think that’s probably at least somewhat reasonable. Many in the community frame it that way. The thing I think you’re really driving at though is ads like this:

where at the end, after seeing the child take photos, do art, chat with their friends, presumably do some sort of homework / writing, etc., their parent says “what are you doing on your computer?” and the kid says “what’s a computer?”

This carries at least the implicit assumption that a computer is something unknown to the child. Which would mean that everything they’re required to do for school / play / etc. can be done on their iPad Pro.

Of course the wisdom of turning a kid loose with a $1000 iPad and a $200 keyboard case is a whole different can of worms, but if we ASSUME that the kid gets to tote around $1200 worth of iOS hardware it’s kind of implied that a “computer” can be a thing of the past.

While ads aren’t concrete marketing claims, and are intended to be a touch forward-looking, I agree that it’s a little misleading due to the software / hardware cocktail not being quite there yet - to the point where I think the majority of people are going to run into something that they can’t do on the iPad.

It may be perfectly capable for just about everything the average person does where they have some reasonable choice about the workflow, though. Most of these use cases where the iPad falls down - for the average person - tend to come from a third party’s dictates that they do X task in manner Y on platform Z. If, instead of saying “you’ll type your report in our proprietary web form, and submit it using our LMS” it turned into “you’ll type your report in a word processor of your choice, and email in a PDF”, that’s do-able on the iPad out of the box.

Not that that matters, because third-party demands are part of the real-world experience - but it’s a distinction worth noting. :slight_smile:

“All computers are equal, but some are more equal than others”? :wink:

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Just a quick clarification: I was disclaiming that my post was a wall of text, and apologizing for that!


Nah, it’s “all computers can accomplish most of your tasks, but some computers are better suited for it”

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Same here. Statistical programs, I believe, are probably beyond the capabilities of an iPad Pro (and I’m sure that will lead one person to challenge my position with some sort of home brew and hacky set of shortcuts that sort of get the job done as a counterpoint).

But citation software (Mendeley, Endnote) for the most part are crappy for anything but reading and annotating PDFs in. I’ve never been able to get any of them the work satisfactorily in cite-as-you-write scenarios that didn’t involve a bunch of cut and paste hoops.

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I’ve looked into this before. If you use a citation manager with an API then you could query it using Shortcuts and pull the data related to the source you want to cite, then style it according to the citation style, then copy it to clipboard :laughing: