Keychain will support 2FA this fall

Well, maybe the time has come for me to ditch 1Password and move my secure notes into DEVONthink.

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Looks like secure notes will remain unavailable on iOS/iPadOS.

Pleasantly surprised by the TOTP addition. Hopefully I can get my family on board now!

I’ll still keep 1Password since it’s useful for identity and personal docs storage, and an easy way to sync some common logins (with TOTP) across Safari/Chrome/FireFox.

That being said I have 20x the amount of logins in iCloud than 1Pass — and it’ll stay that way as my primary manager.

Final note, Keychain Access is adding password import and export across password managers. Very cool.

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Ooooh that’s handy, I was already thinking of my upcoming migration strategy. Thanks for the pointer.


I remain highly skeptical about Apple’s offering… especially without an app on iOS.

Again, this could be a thing where “when it works, it’s great, but when it doesn’t, there’s no way to diagnose it” other than turn iCloud off and back on.

But if it gets more people to use 2FA, that’s good… but if people have a bad experience with Apple’s 2FA and it turns them off the feature, that’s bad.

Either way, a lot of people are never going to pay for 1Password, so, I’m glad Apple is trying.

Not exactly an App, but you can look for a password or other login details on Settings > Password.

There’s even a Password vulnerability there.

For me, I’ll stay with 1Password though, cause keychain will not allow me to share and sync passwords with my immediate family.

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I agree with @tjluoma. I’m not convinced about this offering for my use.

But: I do think for those users that do not have an alternate solution (like [fill in password manager name here]) it is a first step towards a more secure experience, and I applaud them for this.