Keypoints, a plain-text focussed note-taking & PDF annotation app for the Mac

This is a reply to a comment by @ChristinWhite made in another thread:

Notes in my app are meant to be written in MultiMarkdown. But when I startet, MultiMarkdown didn’t support YAML metadata, and MultiMarkdown metadata had to be at the top of the note. However, I wanted notes to look like regular notes: A note should start with its most important elements, i.e. a title followed by the note’s content. This is also important so that notes can work with small view sizes (where you don’t want to be blocked by a large metadata block at the top).

In addition, since all notes are self-contained and thus always have to contain all relevant info, each note has to have a metadata block (often containing quite a few things). So I wanted the note metadata to be as unobtrusive as possible – ideally they should read like regular note text. So I skipped the keys (all of the note’s metadata values can still be clearly identified).

That said, there will be exporters to common/standard Markdown format(s). And the scripting API will also allow users to write custom exporters. Alternatively, there could be input filters for tools like Pandoc or Marked 2 so that these tools can directly work with Keypoints notes.