Labelling Faces

Outside of the initial process, is there any way to get into a wizard where you label faces that Photos has detected but don’t know which person they match to?

Maybe try open a photo with face(s), then click the info Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 02.19.06 button, or use ⌘I.

In the info box there will be detected face(s). Either named or unnamed:

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 02.23.49

You can single click one of them to see the circle proximity of detected face, or double click to either open the “Album of this named person” or if the face is unrecognized, it will allow you to add name:

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 02.22.15

Hope that helps.

Oh just discovered this, if the system detects similarity between the photo and a named person, it will trigger “Review” below the “Add name”:

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 02.29.51

Right. I currently do that but that requires me to find photos which photos has detected a face but not matched a person. I’d like to just be able to click through all of them

You can create a Smart album with face unknown. But this means that all of those faces you don’t know (e.g. the guy at the next table, the 20 people in the crowd in the back of your photo) remain in the album.

I do wish you could mark a face as “Not interested in this face” and it would hide the circle.


Genius! That’s a good work around

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nice tips, thanks!
I am just aware that anything in Apple environment has Smart Folder (album in this case).

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