Lack on innovative email clients 2022

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What’s funny is not many apps have the feature I really need: letting me send email from my Gmail aliases. If Mail would do this, I’d be all set!

Spark has released a new update today with a new Windows app

I only get very few important emails on my personal mail so I find it pricey. I like the Smart Inbox implementation though and I wished it as cheaper as I like being able to filter sender and the priority Sender.

I think the market is disappearing for email clients/apps. Email providers have been trying to improve their web interfaces and from what I’ve seen, that’s what people are using.

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You can use a custom domain for Apple mail.

As far as clients, Thunderbird is working well for me.

See also:

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Thanks @ryanjamurphy. Are you still happy with Airmail?

Also, can you just build us an app for mail, please? :joy:

In your other thread. you pretty much nailed down the features we need! I’m not a programmer, although I’m interested in learning new things and will help however I can! :bulb:

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I have been one of Airmail’s biggest critics over the years but as I posted in a different thread, the developer has righted the ship and it is now a fantastic email app. There may be some rough edges still but its features I don’t use so I cannot speak to that.

and unless you want to beg the developer of @dueapp to restart development of Dispatch again, there are not going to be a lot of choices of power email apps.


in terms of features, I think it is comparable to Spark but much slower. I guess I shall stick to Spark V2 for the time being, until the developer forces me to pay for the subsription.

For Airmail, I still cannot work out whether I am on the grandfather pro plan for mac and looks like that I have to pay additional for using iPad and iPhone (but only $10 per year) . The web site is very unclear what pro plan covers

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Yep, same here. $10 a year.

for me, Spark’s share features were lacking. Unless it has changed, Spark’s send to omnifocus for example did not let me pick a project, due date, etc… it just sent it to the inbox. Airmail allows full editing before dropping the email into omnifocus. Spark was also missing the fantastical and devonthink baked in shares that Airmail has. These are my 3 most used shares, so it was really important to me. Maybe others not so much.

Thank you @macsorcery for letting me know about Airmail’s improvement. I’m trying it out again. MailMate just doesn’t work like my mind works.

Honestly I can’t figure out why the email app space is nothing like the notes app space… though I fear if I tried developing one, I would learn why!

I still have hope for Mailpilot.

And yes, still using Airmail. It has its quirks but it is good enough, and even great sometimes.


Has scheduled sending improved any since your post in March? That’s one feature I use a lot…

I’ve got another client nobody mentioned — it’s has a Mac & Windows version too. It was good enough as a replacement for Mozilla Thunderbird (also not mentioned above) that we switched at work (a small office)… It handles copy/pasting complex Excel tables with ease (at least the windows version anyway)…

I’ve been using the Mac version for a handful of months now… it’s got a fair amount of features… The name of the client is “EmClient” and can be found here. I have no affiliation with the company — just a happy user.

They have a free version with a capability to handle 2 accounts or a pro version with unlimited that has a one-time fee of $49.95 (no subscription)

this is interesting, I have not heard any mention of this app until now. Not even a whisper from any app review blogs, must be a well kept secret. Thanks for much for sharing

No problem… I’m not sure it’s perfect but it’s got a fairly nice feature set… I’ll let someone else look at it and see if it fits for them…

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agreed, the feature comparison with Spark, Apple Mail and Outliook looks impressive.

However, the price for the individual pro version can be a little expensive (50 Euro) for just one device. Although the site emphasized 30-day money back guarantee, I have to give them the money first. Luckily, Euro exchange rates is favourable for some these days

and a good chunk more if you want lifetime updates.

The main breakthrough needed is a sustainable business model for a robust, does-the-basics-well app.

When I’m looking for a new email app, I am attracted by the absence of “modern features”. But I do want the basic capabilities I got used to 20 years ago!

Is it righted enough that it doesn’t do dumb stuff like fail to render entire emails? I gave AirMail a few goes and always ended up deleting it in disgust when version after version had the same basic issues.

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This is an very capable and interesting mail client! Integrates well with Gmail, and it displays Gmail labels. Has autocomplete for folders when moving messages around, which is a key feature for me, although it requires some clicking with the mouse.

Edit: given that it is a multiplatform client, I took a peek into the app package and it seems it is built with Mono so it should have some edge against multiplatform Electron-like web based apps.