LTT: Apple Makes Its Best Products Worse On Purpose. Why?



That made me laugh! And to think that we now complain when our battery life is less than 10 hours! :slight_smile:

Indeed, no one and nothing is. :slight_smile:

@MacSparky If I thought a set of wheels like that would make me as cool as others on this forum, Iā€™m buy a Camino in a heartbeat! :laughing:

I bypass YouTube reviewers with clickbait titles and clickbait thumbnails/images of their videos. Does wonders for my blood pressure and my pleasure in being fully immersed in the Apple ecosystem. It also helps me stay more productive.


To be honest, without some what clickable thumbnails and titles, no one is going to watch these videos. How many people on YouTube are looking for deep and rational conversations? Most are just for some brief entertainments. I hate those dark patterns as well. But YouTubers need to eat.

Click baiting or not, Linus managed to make an important point, and delivered to millions of people. Iā€™d think it as an invaluable thing to do. Heā€™s usually critical of Apple. But none of the criticisms are baseless. And he represents a large community of people. If you only want to listen to one voice, thatā€™s your choice.

After all of this time iPadOS STILL doesnā€™t support multiple users. It would be so useful if you could hand your iPad to another family member, have them
Login as themself, and do what they want without changing your setup.

Apple wants families to buy multiple iPads per household

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Howdy, celler and all:

I use an iPad and a MacBook Pro + Monitor for about the same tasks. I pickup the iPad when Iā€™m lounging and working, or working from a coffee shop. I use my Mac in the office and in meetings (where I appreciate the speed of the interface.) The issue is that I am a geek and there are things I can do on macOS that cannot be done on iOS. There are programs I cannot run efficiently on iOS because of the UI paradigm. I canā€™t even rely on the search in when the same file appears instantly on macOS.

To address the intended topic of this thread, I do believe that the portion of iPadOS development focused on feature parity with their macOS counterpart is at least slowed knowing that ā€˜oh, well at least if they have a Mac the user can get it done.ā€™ The disparity between R&D budget to results and Appleā€™s positioning of the platform as infant-compatible does lead me to this conclusion. Aiming to sell both platforms to the same user can also be reasoned-out, as Linus mentions, but I feel like this is less of a motivating factor given Appleā€™s history of replacing one product line with another.

To address the production and the dialogue so far: click-bait titles and tech videos that are also entertainment can spur great discussion. LTT produced a video that has described the angst our Apple tech-community has been feeling since the new iPads were released in ten minutes (not including the Anker advert). The vast majority of the video was a good-faith assessment of how iPad has improved, what it is capable of, and where itā€™s feature-set runs counter to Appleā€™s marketing. (To those who are unfamiliar with LTTā€™s editorial voice, this is good-faith.) Finally, think about the OP: We were asked to examine a line of reasoning, not take apart a medium or style. Out of respect and for the OP and for the betterment of our online community, please make an attempt to address the topic-at-hand first before veering from the question, negatively. I would have appreciated us having more focus on the substance + thesis of the video and cellerā€™s prompt, or us being better at separating our production comments from the meat and potatoes.



ā€œThe medium is the message.ā€

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Iā€™m with Apple here. I worked in an Apple Store and the amount of people that forget passwords is substantial. It is never fun to tell people all that data canā€™t be recovered if itā€™s not in iCloud.

Multi User accounts for iOS devices sounds like a potential nightmare