I think this was my favorite episode of the year so far. I have most of these apps, but learned even more and got new ideas for how to use them.
Most importantly, this episode’s discussion helped me rethink some of my processes in ways that aren’t specific to the suggestions given in the show. By that, I mean that I am thinking differently (and more completely) about file management and productivity than I did before. That re-jiggering of my thinking is what makes MPU so important for me. Thanks, guys!
I got a quarter of the way through then had to stop - I’m going to re-listen when I’m at my Mac and not driving so I can make notes and research!
Great episode.
I use a MacBook Pro in a Windows office, and Forklift is a great tool for accessing a Windows shared drive and synching work documents to my Mac and to a Dropbox account. It’s a great tool for this environment.
This episode inspired me to pay a liitle more attention to the Finder and adjust it more to my needs, so thank you! I find Column view most appealing and useful but somehow I can’t set it as default. Even Apple points this out on their support document without clarifying why. Does anybody know why this is the case? And are there any workarounds? Thank you!
Loved this episode, thanks so much for it! I think I’ll have to go and use PathFinder again - I didn’t know you could have a built-in terminal window - might make it easier for me to force myself to learn to use it!! Does the PathFinder terminal respect bash profiles?
The best episodes are the most costly to the audience. We should gather data on listener spending to study this phenomenon, and it could lead to an objective measurement of episode quality. We could call it the Listener Cost Index. Any episode with an LCI above 100 is a “good” episode. Any episode below 100 is questionable.
I’m hesitant to upgrade to DevonThink 3 as it’s in beta. Thinking about using DevonThink 2 for the time being still and create a workaround of using Transmit to keep OneDrive in Sync with a local folder. This would also in my head at least aid in creating new folders within DevonThink or in Transmit. Thoughts of if this would work?
DEVONthink 3 has been working well for me. For one of my databases, I needed to turn sync off, clean, then turn it back on. Everything else has worked fine.
Thanks for mentioning Quick Actions. I checked out the link you gave to MacRumors which was helpful. Wondering if anyone has any Automator recipes regarding this. Also, I don’t have any 3rd party Quick actions showing and I couldn’t find ways of adding them, would there be settings in the specific apps to open that portal? Any tips for making Quick Actions would be great. If you have a list perhaps you could make a separate post. Thanks.
Late to listening to this episode and late to this discussion…
Anyone try Commander One as a Finder alternative?
(I don’t recall hearing it mentioned in the episode/seeing it in show-notes) #justcurious