macOS 11.3 released

I am also very happy with Big Sur. TextExpander and LanguageTool crashing with the current update was easily solver.

What annoys me: macOS hat several significant changes in the architecture. 32bit/Carbon/etc. Most developers quickly reacted and updated their software to work with those changes. But why are some developers not releasing updates? Universal binaries (M1) being just an example. Weird code another one.

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Also Music is just plain painful to use. Slow, with a horrible inconsistent UI.

There is some weirdness, true, and several annoyances, but I wouldnā€™t call it horrible or painful. But maybe thatā€™s because Iā€™m mostly piloting it from Alfred, that works perfectly.

If you have Alfred and work a lot from your library, pilot it from there. It changes everything.

update went well on the Mac Mini, PITA on the MacBook Air. Every. Single. Step. required a reboot. As in, first I didnā€™t have enough space for the download. So I moved things to a flash drive. The OS did not recognize the space saving until I rebooted. After I downloaded the update, same thing - had to reboot to recognize space saving. Still not enough space to do the update. Moved more things to flash drive. Reboot. NOW I can actually do the update. It worked.
Moved things back to the internal drive. I moved 20GB over, but lost 39GB of available space.
Until I rebooted.
I have done many, many copies and moves of files and folders on a Mac over the last 14 years or so. Not once do I remember having this level of problem with an OS. Was I just lucky? Is this normal? Or is it the new normal?


Widgets are no longer removed when apps are updated

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My widgets are gone. wtf?

One week later. Text Expander started crashing again. I once again had to delete the mentioned folder. The crashing stopped. Not happy.

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