MPU 390 - tagging - adding keyboard shortcut for Tagging... in right click menu

In MPU Episode 390 (at around 42 minutes 30 seconds) Brett Terpstra mentioned that to apply tags in Finder he set a keyboard shortcut for the Tags… option in the right click menu in System Preferences for Keyboard / Shortcuts. Although not explained properly the only place I could find to do so is in the App Shortcuts section as follows:


(I used ellipsis, not 3 dots.)

However, after I choose a file in Finder, and pressing the shortcut key the Tag option does not appear in the right click menu. I have tried different shortcut keys but none work.

Any help in getting this to work would be greatly appreciated.

Apparently in Mojave - at least in some cases - not using an ellipsis fixes the problem. See here: