Music on the Mac woes

You know what I find strange about this? Music is the kind of app (and service) that a software engineer could completely lose themself in as a passion project. If Apple turned the app over to one passionate, creative music-aficionado, engineer and told said engineer to just “have at it,” imagine what she or he could do with this thing. Most of the issues to make Music better are really low-hanging fruit. The rest is giving users the tools to manage their libraries through integration with Shortcuts and exposing functionality. Improving the underlying database design to open up new fields for tags and other metadata would be the ultimate achievement, but even if that is too ambitious, there is much that could be done if the app just had a loving caretaker.

The same kind of thing could be done with Apple Music (the service).

This should get that attention, too, because it’s one of those apps almost everybody interacts with. iTunes and iPods are in Apple’s DNA. I would like Apple to “wow” us with the Music app like it did with the Apple Silicon Macs.