My Dream GTD Email App

I can highly recommend MailMate. It’s not cheap for an email application, but it’s been rock-solid for me for the two or so years I’ve been using it. If you’re using Gmail with it, follow the instructions carefully at - Gmail’s fake IMAP implementation make configuring MailMate to work with it non-trivial.

What I like:

  • Plain interface - means you get in and out of email as quickly as possible.
  • Markdown editing - just like these forums!
  • Automatable - I recently used their command line interface to automate sending a bunch of emails, which was amazing! See for documentation.
  • Integration with other productivity apps, including OmniFocus, BusyCal, Fantastical, etc.
  • Use of default message:// links, rather than proprietary links like spark:// or airmail://.